Photo by Joel McDonald from YeahRad

My debut book, ‘The One Thing We’ve Never Spoken About’ was published by Pantera Press in early 2023. It’s a book that explores the experience of people living with complex mental health conditions in Australia as they attempt to navigate the extraordinary ongoing stigma that surrounds these conditions, as well as the mental healthcare system. The book is part-memoir, as my wonderful Mum lives with schizophrenia, and part deep-dive investigation. You can find it for purchase here.

‘Expansive and generous … brimming with kindness, revelatory accounts and wit. The book itself is a thing of grace.’ Rick Morton

‘Elfy brings empathy, reason and generosity to a book Australia so desperately needs.’ Zara McDonald

‘Absorbing and mind-opening, this is panoramic in scope, while offering a deeply intimate portrait of fierce familial love and care.’ Benjamin Law